Women's Ministries

at Salem Heights Church

Monday, May 5, 2014

Last GNO of the school year is TONIGHT!!! Be.Free!

The final Girls' Night Out is tomorrow night,
May 5th! 
Please join us for "be free"
* Accessory Swap
*Give Aways
*Take Away (special gift to create and take home)
*"be free" testimonials from women, just like you!
Laura Chica will be interviewing Teri Snodderly, who will be sharing her personal story of how Christ has set her free.
You won't want to miss this fun and powerful night!  Invite your friends and join us!  grounded coffee shop opens at 6:30, program starts at 7:05!  Childcare
provided for this "free" event!
YES!  If you forgot your accessories, you can bring them with you! ;) 


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